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Care & Support

Build The House



JUNE 8th, 2024

Every year we have the opportunity to come together and serve our community. There are many projects where the entire family can participate. Simply select the project(s) you’d like to serve with and register.

Serve Day Schedule

8:00am – Registration @ Topsail High School Parking lot
8:30am – Serve Day Rally
8:45am – Volunteers meet with Team Leaders
9:00am – Deploy to project sites

South Topsail Elementary School

We are picking up where we left off from our last serve day! We’ll be continuing to paint a list of classrooms, and we’ll also add in trimming bushes around the property.

Topsail High School

We are partnering with THS and EC program to improve the greenhouses and area around them at the high school.

Surf City Elementary

We’re excited to improve the courtyard at Surf City Elementary by removing some old benches, repositioning planter boxes, and adding some hopscotch areas.

Laundry with Love – Holly Ridge

We have a neat opportunity to go into a local business and bless the patrons by paying for their laundry and having relationship building conversations.

Free Coffee and Doughnuts at Kiwanis

Free Coffee and Doughnuts at Kiwanis Park? I’m there! Come team up to hand out some fun treats this Serve Day to those who are out at Kiwanis Park. (kid friendly)

Embrace Grace “Love Boxes”

 Embrace Grace is one of our local partners who come alongside single, pregnant women to support and love on them during this unplanned season. This group will assemble “love boxes”, write cards, and pray over the brave girls in this ministry. (no children)

Baked Goods for First Responders

We want to make sure our first responders know just how much we appreciate them. We will split into 3 groups to go and bake/decorate some fun treats. Each group will have a location to deliver the goodies to along with encouraging cards. (kid friendly)

Bless a Neighbor (Reno Property Neighbor)

We are going to serve the neighbor of the Renovation Property by cleaning up their yard before summer really hits! Come help us improve the landscaping.

Topsail Annandale Elementary

We are partnering with one of our local elementary schools to repair a picnic table, paint a door frame, replace a wooden fence, and paint a classroom. Come join us!

Topsail Middle School

We will be working with Topsail Middle School to improve their new outdoor classroom area by planting some shrubs for shading.


We are partnering with Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministry to serve a family in the Hampstead area by working to physically improve their living space. (no children)

Free Coffee and Doughnuts for Local Businesses

Who doesn’t love free doughnuts and coffee? We are going to split into a few teams and visit a few business parks in the Hampstead/Surf City area to drop off some fun treats and show them they have a God who is FOR them.

Woodberry Wellness

Let’s party! Our friends at Woodberry Wellness love playing bingo and they love eating ice cream. We’re going to go have fun with them and show them some love.

Surf City Beach Clean Up

We love our beaches and the opportunity to keep them clean, especially with summer just around the corner. We’ll split into two teams to go pick up trash at Surf City Beach. (kid friendly)

Topsail Senior Center

We are going to partner with the Topsail Senior Center to make sure everything looks great for the seniors that live in our area. We will be painting the dining area, window washing, and some landscaping.

Surf City Community Center

We will be working alongside our local community center to help with upkeep of their athletic fields.

Kiwanis Park

We are going to partner with Pender County Parks and Rec and help paint the bathrooms at Kiwanis Park.

Habitat for Humanity

We get the opportunity to partner with Habitat for Humanity to improve the living conditions of a family here in Hampstead. (no children)

Salvation Army

We will serve our local Salvation Army Thrift Store by helping to sort and organize their clothing donations to help them get ready for Summer!

Hampstead Women’s Club

We will be serving the local Women’s Club by pressure washing their building and doing general clean up.

Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Center

The Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Center is a special place in our community as they serve to protect the sea turtles in our area and educate our community. The center is used for visits and classes, especially throughout the summer. We will spend some time doing some landscape work to make sure it looks nice for their guests this summer. (no children)

Bless a Neighbor (Military Family)

We have a lot of military that are deployed and one easy way we can bless the families while they are away is to help with yard work.

Bless a Neighbor (Sloop Point Rd.)

We will be assisting an elderly woman in our church with some yard work.

Share the Table

We are partnering with Share the Table to work on landscaping at their new building location! They plan to move in at the end of the month and we want to make sure it all looks great to receive their first guests.