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Sunday, March 31st at 8:20am, 10:00am & 11:40am
at Topsail High School

We have a saying at Renovation Church – You Belong Here. We say it because we believe that no matter where you are on your faith journey, there’s a place for you.

This Easter weekend we will remember and celebrate the single greatest event in history and we want to invite you to be a part of it.

There will be free family photo opportunities, an exciting kids environment (that they’ll love), and the warmth of community because, You Belong Here.

Reno Kids Easter Need to Know’s

If you have children in both Reno City and Camp Renovate, we ask that you park on the Reno City side of the building and check in there first! This will help ensure that you get a spot in your child’s classroom.

To create the best experience for your family and our new guests, we ask you to attend the service that most closely correlates with your regular attendance time.

  • If you regularly attend the 9:15 service, we ask you to attend the 8:20 am service.
  • If you regularly attend the 11:15 service, we ask you to attend the 11:40 service.
Check in will begin 20 minutes before the start of each service.
Easter Sunday we will be implementing a policy of 1 parent pick up per environment.
(For example, if you have 1 child in Reno City and 2 children in Camp Renovate, only 1 parent picks up in Reno City, and only 1 parent picks up in Camp Renovate.)